Friday, September 19, 2014

The Volleyball Basics

    Many girls and some boys, like to start playing volleyball at a young age. There are many things you need to know though before playing. First of all for a basic game of volleyball there are three positions, a hitter, a setter, and back row players. Typically at a young age you will play everything to see what suits you the best if you stick with playing. When you start volleyball, you will need kneepads, tennis shoes (when you get older you will play with volleyball shoes), and some shorts (typically you will see spandex, but when you see kids playing for the first time they usually are in other shorts). Finally, a young volleyball player will start with underhand serving before switching to overhand.
    Next are the basic rules. There are many rules in volleyball but there are some you should know before you start playing. Starting with, there are six people on a court at a time, no more, no less. Also, you can't catch the ball, or briefly lift it, you will lose the point and the other team will serve. You must pass the ball before it hits the ground for it to count. You also can only touch the ball three times on one side.
   In conclusion, volleyball is a very fun sport to play for all ages. You can easily learn the rules and improve over the years as the game gets more advance. Talking from personal experience even if you don't make a good team or a team at all your first time playing, stick with it. My first time playing volleyball I made the C Team! After 4 years of working hard at school volleyball, and two travel teams, I made JV my freshman year in high school.
-Olivia Smith-

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